Shell Sack

For the Kel-Tec KSG 410 or the KS7.

Our Shell Sack is made from 18 oz., Industrial Coated, Fire-Retardant Vinyl.

It is Waterproof, Self-Extinguishing, Anti-Mildewing, and UV & Cold Crack Resistant to -30 Degrees F.

This fabric meets NFPA 701 requirements for Fire-Retardant materials.


All seams are Bonded together & will not tear or split. It is then secured with aluminum riveted snaps that never touch the Shotgun or your face.

So you get a soft-to-the-touch cheek rest, plus a shell catcher all in one.



Quick videos of the Shell Sack in use.


Available Soon!


We are looking for investors.

Patent Pending.

The Shell


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